
Posted on 16th April 2024, by Allison
Bible Study here Monday Nights at 7:00pm. All Welcome! (excluding statutory holiday Mondays) Messy Church here once a month next one Friday May 10 from 5:30 to 7:00pm. All Welcome!
This past Thursday May 14th, The Salvation Army – Agincourt Community Church was visited by Scarborough-Agincourt MPP Aris Babikian and Rahul Singh from Global Medic. Global Medic graciously donated 650 lbs. of dried chick peas, rice, peas, and green lentils all in single prepackaged bags. We are so blessed and thankful for our community partners  […]

Free Face Mask and Hand Sanitizer Distribution

Posted on 7th May 2020, by aar.bowes@gmail.com
The Salvation Army – Agincourt Community Church is teaming up with City of Toronto Ward 22 Councillor Jim Karygiannis to distribute free face masks and hand sanitizer to those in need.  Jim is asking that people consider either a food donation or a monetary donation to our food bank.  The distribution will take place this  […]

Wonderful Community Partners – Erb Transport

Posted on 7th May 2020, by aar.bowes@gmail.com
We are so thankful for our community partners that work alongside us as we give hope today to the vulnerable in our community during this pandemic. We would like to thank Erb Transport for giving us a reefer trailer at no charge to store our frozen food. We are so blessed to have such a  […]

Live Streaming of Agincourt Community Church Services

Posted on 19th March 2020, by aar.bowes@gmail.com
Using Facebook’s live streaming service we will be, starting this Sunday March 22nd at 10:15am, live streaming our Sunday morning worship services.  In order to view this, you will need to have a computer with a Facebook account.  Make sure that you like “The Salvation Army – Agincourt Community Church” page.  On Sunday morning at  […]

Sunday Worship Services Cancelled until April 30th 2020

Posted on 17th March 2020, by aar.bowes@gmail.com
The Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters has decided that all Sunday worship services across the territory will be cancelled until April 30, 2020.  Stay tuned for details on live streaming options for Worship Services at Agincourt Community Church. Please watch the following video clip from our Territorial Commander, Commissioner Floyd Tidd:
March 14, 2020 To: All Officers and Employees RE: COVID-19 Communication #3 Greetings in the name of Christ, As we continue to monitor developments and note how quickly things are changing regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, we are providing this Communication #3 as an update to our message of yesterday afternoon. With new directives being provided  […]